Mineral Plus
The mud ponds of Japan are famous for growing koi with exceptional color and health. Now, hobbyists around the world can bring the qualities of those famed ponds to their own backyards with Shinsuke’s Mineral Plus. Shinsuke has formulated a mineral blend which improves koi immune systems and pond health, bringing out the color and beauty of your koi. Simply add Mineral Plus 2-4 times a month to bring the benefits of Japanese mud ponds to your own pond.
$39.95 ea.
Each Mineral Plus 300g pouch can be used to treat between 7,900 – 15,800 gallons
Benefits of Mineral Plus:
- Improves the health of your pond
- Improves the immune strength of your koi
- Gives your pond “Japanese mud pond water” qualities
- Helps in “polishing” your koi and bring out the potential of their color
Directions for use
How it Works
Product Photos